Webcomic Superstars Trading Cards

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Webcomic Superstars Trading Cards

Post by Ghastly »

It started off as a one-shot photoshop joke.


Then someone asked "What would Josh Lesnick's card look like?" and
it sort of evolved from there.


Ain't I a stinker. :lol:

Hey gang, join the fun, seek out photos of your favorite webcomic artists and then create your own Webcomic Superstars Trading Cards.

Here's the blank templates you can use.


I figure this can be our new community fun project. Make trading cards for other webcomic artists.


1) The card front must feature a photograph of the artist (no drawings, just to add some challenge).
2) You can't do yourself but you can post a photo of yourself so others can do you (now that sounded oddly erotic).
3) You have to use the card templates provided so that all the cards look like they're from the same deck.
4) You can do an artist someone else has already done, but try to find a different photo of them.
5) It's all in fun.

Now for those of you wondering what fonts I used on the card:
The artist's name on the front and back is done in the "Monkey Boy" font available free from Blam Bot.
The artist/writer/comic name font on the back is Arial Black.
The joke quote is Arial.
The stats are done in Courier New (bold)
The "Fun Fact" at the bottom is done in Zud Juice which is also a free download from Blambot.

Now, since I can take as good as I give, if anyone would like to do me there's a good source picture right here.

Have fun gang!

I believe there is a pretty recent photo thread of various Keenspace artists that can be used for source matterial. Someone can perhaps hunt it down and post the URL here.

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Post by Ghastly »

Hey whaddaya know. I found the photo thread.

Here you go gang, a bunch of photos to get you started. Go nuts.

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Post by RPin »

Here's my take!

http://alexandilia.keenspace.com/imagev ... es/008.jpg
http://alexandilia.keenspace.com/imagev ... es/009.jpg

Made in 15 minutes. I didn't even bother to look for the fonts I didn't have already... :oops:

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Post by Van Douchebag »

Fuck! ><
Rodrigo beat me to it.
I was finishing up the back when I refreshed the topic

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Post by Ghastly »

That's okay, if someone beats you then someone beats you. You can still post anyways. They'll just be variation cards in the deck is all.

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Post by Van Douchebag »

Nahhhh... you just want a second card :p
I'll do my all-time favorite webcomic artist; Mike Krahulik.

Edit: Done and done.


If it looks like crap that's because I whipped together hurriedly in Flash.

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Post by Sortelli »

Looking at those photos, it really wigs me out how many of us look similar in certain fundamental ways. It's like there's this male webcomic geek template up in heaven and we all come down being either very skinny or a little pudgy, with glasses and permanent five o'clock shadow. Long hair up top and facial hair seem to be common too.

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Post by JPSloan »

I think that's just the current North American fashion in general.
Ancient relic of a by-gone era.

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Post by Van Douchebag »

Sortelli wrote:Looking at those photos, it really wigs me out how many of us look similar in certain fundamental ways. It's like there's this male webcomic geek template up in heaven and we all come down being either very skinny or a little pudgy, with glasses and permanent five o'clock shadow. Long hair up top and facial hair seem to be common too.
Not necessary.
I have very kept hair, an atheletic build, and I don't wear glasses.
The only thing "common" for me is I have sideburns and a goatee, and I only shave a couple times a week.

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Re: Webcomic Superstars Trading Cards

Post by Mr.Bob »

Ghastly wrote:

1) The card front must feature a photograph of the artist (no drawings, just to add some challenge).
Van, since you called him Mike instead of Gabe, I though it'd be more fitting if you used his photo. There's one here.
Not like you have to, or anything.

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Re: Webcomic Superstars Trading Cards

Post by Van Douchebag »

Mr.Bob wrote: Van, since you called him Mike instead of Gabe, I though it'd be more fitting if you used his photo. There's one here.
Not like you have to, or anything.
*sees Scott Kurtz*

*sees Mike*
*screams even louder*

*curls up in the fetal position in the corner crying*

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Post by JPSloan »

I am SO doing one when I get home.

(A trading card... not Scott or Mike)
Ancient relic of a by-gone era.

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Re: Webcomic Superstars Trading Cards

Post by Mr.Bob »

Van Douchebag wrote:
Mr.Bob wrote: Van, since you called him Mike instead of Gabe, I though it'd be more fitting if you used his photo. There's one here.
Not like you have to, or anything.
*sees Scott Kurtz*

*sees Mike*
*screams even louder*

*curls up in the fetal position in the corner crying*
Oh I'm sorry... was that your first time?

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Post by Sortelli »

Yeah, okay, given the evidence Mr. Bob provided I officially declare my universal theory of how we all look the same to be shot to hell. :lol:

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Post by Soap Soaperson »

THAT'S what Fred Ghallager looks like!? Why is he drawing himself and "Largo" like some puny things!? HAHAHHAHAH!

Aren't there ANY lookers amongst them successful artists? :-?
Yay. | Yay Part II.


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Post by Van Douchebag »

Soap Soaperson wrote:THAT'S what Fred Ghallager looks like!? Why is he drawing himself and "Largo" like some puny things!? HAHAHHAHAH!

Aren't there ANY lookers amongst them successful artists? :-?
No - I'm a looker but I ain't successful.
Ain't that a bitch?

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Post by Ghastly »

Now now, let's not be too catty. It's supposed to be all in fun. Let's just say it's safe to say there's a reason why we're all doing webcomics and not shaking our money makers on the cat walk.

And a little tip for inserting the comic graphic on the back of the card.

If you use the eraser tool instead of the lasso tool to cut the image out it'll be much softer and more blended around the edges.

Also, if you paste the card front template as a transpearent selection (with background set to white) overtop of the photograph you'll be able to get the photo completely under the overlay graphics with no white strips showing.

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Post by Van Douchebag »

Ghastly, I just told you I was using Flash.
It doesn't have things like that.

I cut out the white as much as possible, but some remained because I imported a bitmap, rather than a vector image.

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Post by Soap Soaperson »

Ghastly wrote:Now now, let's not be too catty.
Aw, Ghastly, when I said "Aren't there ANY lookers amongst them successful artists?," I didn't mean YOU. :D
Yay. | Yay Part II.


NOOOOTE: Any and all links posted by me have the possibility of being NWS, and are likely from http://www.LUElinks.net. K? K.

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Post by Ghastly »

Heheheh. I just wanted to interject before the thread degraded into a "He looks like a horse's cock, without the horse" sort of thing.

Besides. I already know I'm hot. :lol:

"Oh yeah, do I make you horny, baby?"

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