Then someone asked "What would Josh Lesnick's card look like?" and
it sort of evolved from there.


Ain't I a stinker.

Hey gang, join the fun, seek out photos of your favorite webcomic artists and then create your own Webcomic Superstars Trading Cards.
Here's the blank templates you can use.


I figure this can be our new community fun project. Make trading cards for other webcomic artists.
1) The card front must feature a photograph of the artist (no drawings, just to add some challenge).
2) You can't do yourself but you can post a photo of yourself so others can do you (now that sounded oddly erotic).
3) You have to use the card templates provided so that all the cards look like they're from the same deck.
4) You can do an artist someone else has already done, but try to find a different photo of them.
5) It's all in fun.
Now for those of you wondering what fonts I used on the card:
The artist's name on the front and back is done in the "Monkey Boy" font available free from Blam Bot.
The artist/writer/comic name font on the back is Arial Black.
The joke quote is Arial.
The stats are done in Courier New (bold)
The "Fun Fact" at the bottom is done in Zud Juice which is also a free download from Blambot.
Now, since I can take as good as I give, if anyone would like to do me there's a good source picture right here.
Have fun gang!
I believe there is a pretty recent photo thread of various Keenspace artists that can be used for source matterial. Someone can perhaps hunt it down and post the URL here.