I'm back.

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I'm back.

Post by KeyMonkey »

...and that is why I don't get rid of domain names.

Here is the news that is new and improved!

It's been almost 9 years since I updated my webcomic and I am astounded and astonished and somewhat pleased that it is just sitting there, like a bemused house-guest that you left to get a pint of milk and never returned to let them know you'd lost your keys and was to ashamed to knock on your door.

o-o -- at some point I got religion

Then on a period of slacktime during my workday I'm thinking, whatever happened to that ascii webcomic I created?
What was my password?
What was my email?
Ohh, I still own that domain!
I'll just create an alias, tell everyone I forgot my key and BINGO - I'm back.

Code: Select all

|Passing on a message, you are loved.   |
|        \         Yeah?  from who?     |
|         \               \             |
|          o-o             -.-          |
|Everyone, and I have         \         |
|to kiss you.           Nooooooooo!     |
Catch me if you can ;)

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