Glossary of terms - can you help?

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Dr Neo Lao
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Glossary of terms - can you help?

Post by Dr Neo Lao »

A recent discussion in the Help Centre pointed out the fact that we here at CG (and in the general webcomics community) tend to use specific words to mean specific things. However, new people may get confused if they say one thing but everyone else understands something else.

Case in point: someone might say "how do I put up a banner" when they mean "how do I put a newsbox image into the CG system". The two questions have different answers, which can lead to problems.

Can anyone think of words that may need a small explanation somewhere? I've just started a glossary of terms on the CGWiki. If anyone can think of any can they either edit the wiki directly or just post it in this thread?

Likewise, any new people (or who have been around for a while) if you can share any words that caused you confusion when you were first starting out, then that would be great!

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Re: Glossary of terms - can you help?

Post by Laemkral »

I can speak from personal experience that institutionalized definitions can be a real barrier in communication. For many of us here, the key differences are incredibly obvious, but for someone unfamiliar with "our" definitions, its very subtle if even noticeable at all. So definitely a good idea, try to remember the stuff that once confused you as a newbie when it came to definitions. You'll also certainly need actual newbies because for many of us, what we knew before and what we've learned since will have tended to blend together.
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Re: Glossary of terms - can you help?

Post by Dr Neo Lao »

Good points.

Too tired to think of anything right now. There's probably only a need for about a dozen words at the most.

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Re: Glossary of terms - can you help?

Post by Killbert-Robby »

Jam (n):
Start one and the whole forum will descend in order to give you all 50 of their definitions
