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Well, today is KittyKatBlack's birthday. She hasn't been around for a while, so I'm going to try to use the magic Comic Genesis summoning powers to bring her to this thread:
Happy Birthday, Kitty. I hope the collective good wishes of the forum find their way to you.
(Yes, I'm aware this is a repeat of what I did last year, but hey, the comic is new!)
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.
Well, it did work once, and a lot of people around here seem to have an uncanny ability to know when people are talking about them...
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.
KKB, if you reappear in the next 24 hours and post a new cheesecake picture, I'll send you 100 carats of random gemstones worth at least $300 total as a birthday gift.
... there. Hypothesis testing time.
Crossfire: "Thank you! That explains it very nicely, and in a language that someone other than a physicist can understand..."
Denial is not falsification. You can't avoid a fact just because you don't like it.
"Data" is not the plural of "anecdote"
Rkolter wrote:KKB, if you reappear in the next 24 hours and post a new cheesecake picture, I'll send you 100 carats of random gemstones worth at least $300 total as a birthday gift.
... there. Hypothesis testing time.
Shiny things, good call.
Happy Birthday KKB.
(has thread necromancy been suggested as a possible summoning technique? Or are we shunning the dark arts?)
Rkolter wrote:KKB, if you reappear in the next 24 hours and post a new cheesecake picture, I'll send you 100 carats of random gemstones worth at least $300 total as a birthday gift.
... there. Hypothesis testing time.
Wow, you must either really want that picture or think there's very little chance of her coming back.
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.
Rkolter wrote:KKB, if you reappear in the next 24 hours and post a new cheesecake picture, I'll send you 100 carats of random gemstones worth at least $300 total as a birthday gift.
... there. Hypothesis testing time.
Wow, you must either really want that picture or think there's very little chance of her coming back.
Sadly it doesn't look like she's going to be here to claim that reward either way.
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.
Well, even with that being the case, I still hope she'll show up here again eventually. The last time she only found this thread after about a week.
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.
Yay it are KittyKatBlackz birthday! Iz it can be cheezcayk tiem now plz?
This webcomic, seen here is hosted on the free web host Comic Genesis which pretty much proves its not popular.
Oh noes! Read all about the tormented artist I am!
Prettydragoon wrote:Yay it are KittyKatBlackz birthday! Iz it can be cheezcayk tiem now plz?
I love cheesecake, as long as it's not the kind that you eat.
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.
The magic didn't fail, it's just the kind of magic that takes time to work! Unspecified time!
I remain confident that it will eventually work.
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.