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The magic didn't fail, it's just the kind of magic that takes time to work! Unspecified time!
I remain confident that it will eventually work.
Like meteor.
So what you're saying is that in order for my spell to work, we need the Black Materia?
Actually I guess that makes sense, for summoning a black cat.
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.
Dracomax wrote:So, who do we get to retrieve the black materia?
Well, I have a flopsy black catlike thing here. All I need are a megaphone, some dice, and a moogle.
Ooooohhh Philll... I have a job for you.
What Lies Beyond - A Psychological Fantasy Novel
Stuff that updates sometimes:
I also did and way back when.