Zach Galifianakis is funny?

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Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Julesville »

People keep saying that Zach Galifianakis, from the new film "The Hangover", is hilarious, people say it all over the place, but I couldn't place him from any movie so I went on You Tube. Now I hate him :x . I don't think he's funny, he has bad timing and his jokes don't seem clever or interesting, he doesn't even have shock value.

I wonder if this is how I really feel or if it's just a reaction to everybody saying he's so good. Ya know, he didn't live up to the hype in my head. Can anyone suggest something he has done that was really funny?

Also, The Hangover doesn't look that funny either. It seems like kind of a "Dude, Where's my car?" ripoff but less interesting. Also, you know how trailers for comedies put there best jokes in the trailers a lot. If that's the best the Hangover has to offer it doesn't look funny at all. "Oh man, I can't remember anything! Woah, there's a tiger. Woah, there's a baby. Woah, there's a strange man in my trunk. This is so crazy!" or whatever.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Killbert-Robby »

Well, I don't even know where to begin. Just because you don't find him funny doesn't mean he's a crap comedian. The guy's in a box office topping comedy, so whatever he does, he's doing it well. It just means YOU don't think he's funny. But the humor obviously appeals to someone. Second, he didn't write the script for the movie, he's using someone else's writing and jokes, so I figure, you know, hey, what does his comedy have to do with the role. A lot of comedians are just better with other people's stuff (HOLA CARLOS MENCIA). As for the movie, I hear it's awesome, and what, just because Dude Where's My Car was similar, it's gonna suck? Lets not degrade into "THE SIMPSONS DID IT" bullcrap.

If you let Dane Cook slide with stuff like My Best Friend's Girl, I don't see why you're bothering with this.

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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Prettysenshi »

I'm with Robby. And Dane Cook sucks.

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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Julesville »

Killbert-Robby wrote:Well, I don't even know where to begin. Just because you don't find him funny doesn't mean he's a crap comedian. The guy's in a box office topping comedy, so whatever he does, he's doing it well. It just means YOU don't think he's funny.
All I said was I don't think he's funny, you can quote me on that, I never said anything about him being crap. I have nothing against the guy, just because a person isn't funny doesn't mean their a bad person. On the same ticket, you don't need more than cursory knowledge of someone to hate them, right. And I was talking about his stand-up on You Tube, not the movie.
Killbert-Robby wrote:As for the movie, I hear it's awesome, and what, just because Dude Where's My Car was similar, it's gonna suck? Lets not degrade into "THE SIMPSONS DID IT" bullcrap.
I liked "Dude, Where's My Car" I thought it was really intelligent (bear with me), it had a great cyclical plot where every seemingly unimportant gag had an important purpose in the plot by the end of the film (except for the "And Than" gag, that just seemed like an unrelated joke.) My issue is, who would want to see a film similar to DWMC when you can just watch DWMC, especially if the trailers (to me) don't make it seem like it's gonna do a better job. I'll reserve final judgment for when I see it, but because it doesn't look interesting to me and I'm not as in to Zack Galifianakis as other people, I probably won't see it.
Killbert-Robby wrote:If you let Dane Cook slide with stuff like My Best Friend's Girl
What? I didn't let him slide on anything. Dane Cook's lame, he's always been lame, it's who he is. He has his funny moments, but only if you can get past "him".
Killbert-Robby wrote:I don't see why you're bothering with this.
I'm trying to start a conversation, and asking if anyone knows anything funny he did. What? I'm only suppose to post on this forum if I have brilliant testament written by God through me?
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Ahaugen »

It appears that you intend to make mountains out of mouse turds.

I'd quit while you're ahead.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by VeryCuddlyCornpone »

Name sounds familiar. Probably going to avoid that movie, just because times is rough and I don't have the cash to be seeing things all willy nilly that don't seem appealing. But I think I saw him do some standup on Comedy Central a few years back- I guess I liked him, since I usually just block out the names of the ones that I don't like.

Dane Cook is ridiculously overrated. I like his jokes better when I hear other people telling them... which isn't a good thing.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Killbert-Robby »

Ahaugen wrote:It appears that you intend to make mountains out of mouse turds.

I'd quit while you're ahead.
Way ahead of you. Say, I like Ahmed the Dead Terrorist. THAT'S not an overrated comedy act.

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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Rkolter »

Stop playing beat the newbie with a hammer. It's a dumb game.

I'm personally curious about The Hangover. I'll probably rent it when it comes to RedBox.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Killbert-Robby »

Rkolter wrote:Stop playing beat the newbie with a hammer. It's a dumb game.

I'm personally curious about The Hangover. I'll probably rent it when it comes to RedBox.
I don't see one person in here playing that game, I see discussion about comedians and which ones are overrated or not.

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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Tellurider »

Zach Galifianakis is in one of my all-time favorite comedies, Out Cold. Official movie of the Cornell Ski and Snowboard Club! It is incredibly dumb and incredibly funny. And he is brilliant in it. It takes some cojones to act a part that is so... shameful. Watch the movie and you'll see what I mean.

As for this new movie, I'll probably see it at some point, but I'm not looking forward to it.

And as for his stand up, I've seen some and... it's okay, I guess? I much prefer Mitch Hedberg or George Carlin (RIP, both of them) and the guy, Jeff ... Gaffigan? maybe? He has this bit on Hot Pockets that always makes me laugh even though it's lame.

Thing is, while I've watched a lot of stand-up, I'm pretty bad at remembering names. But stand up and movie roles are pretty different, and a lot of times a comedian is FAR better at one or the other.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Killbert-Robby »

OhmyGod I fucking LOVE Out Cold

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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Yeahduff »

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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by [AlmightyPyro] »

I would reply to this conversation, but for some reason I can't read anything but STUDENT ONION CHAMPIONS. I don't know why...
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Nanda »

Tellurider wrote:Jeff ... Gaffigan? maybe? He has this bit on Hot Pockets that always makes me laugh even though it's lame.
Jim Gaffigan. He's my favorite. BECAUSE he's lame. And he knows it.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Julesville »

Tellurider wrote:Zach Galifianakis is in one of my all-time favorite comedies, Out Cold. Official movie of the Cornell Ski and Snowboard Club! It is incredibly dumb and incredibly funny. And he is brilliant in it. It takes some cojones to act a part that is so... shameful. Watch the movie and you'll see what I mean.

As for this new movie, I'll probably see it at some point, but I'm not looking forward to it.

And as for his stand up, I've seen some and... it's okay, I guess? I much prefer Mitch Hedberg or George Carlin (RIP, both of them) and the guy, Jeff ... Gaffigan? maybe? He has this bit on Hot Pockets that always makes me laugh even though it's lame.

Thing is, while I've watched a lot of stand-up, I'm pretty bad at remembering names. But stand up and movie roles are pretty different, and a lot of times a comedian is FAR better at one or the other.
Hmm, "Old Cold" you say? I'll look into that. Thanks.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Julesville »

Killbert-Robby wrote:
Ahaugen wrote:It appears that you intend to make mountains out of mouse turds.

I'd quit while you're ahead.
Way ahead of you. Say, I like Ahmed the Dead Terrorist. THAT'S not an overrated comedy act.
I've already forgotten everything. I like Ahmed the Terrorist. It's funny and borderline-really really offensive. That's always a good combo.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by IVstudios »

Now, I can't stand Jeff Dunham. Not because I don't think he's funny, but because he has a habit of coming up with dumb little catchphrases for each character that he insists on repeating over and over and over. The first time I saw him do Ahmed the Dead Terrorist he must have said "Shut up! I kill you!" 1,000 GD times in one set. I wanted to gouge out my eardrums. D: One of the most important parts of comedy is to leave the audience "wanting more." I got my fill of him in one sitting.

Also, a lot of his jokes aren't actually funny, he just says them in a funny voice. Entertaining, but not what I'd consider "great comedy."

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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by VeryCuddlyCornpone »

IVstudios wrote:Now, I can't stand Jeff Dunham. Not because I don't think he's funny, but because he has a habit of coming up with dumb little catchphrases for each character that he insists on repeating over and over and over. The first time I saw him do Ahmed the Dead Terrorist he must have said "Shut up! I kill you!" 1,000 GD times in one set. I wanted to gouge out my eardrums. D: One of the most important parts of comedy is to leave the audience "wanting more." I got my fill of him in one sitting.

Also, a lot of his jokes aren't actually funny, he just says them in a funny voice. Entertaining, but not what I'd consider "great comedy."
I understand your point, though I frequently am amused by his antics. You gotta admit the boy has talent.
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Ahaugen »

Julesville, you need to cut your banner down to a quarter of its current size ... there still are a few unfortunate souls here that use the dial up and CRT monitors
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Re: Zach Galifianakis is funny?

Post by Killbert-Robby »

Julesville wrote:
Killbert-Robby wrote:
Ahaugen wrote:It appears that you intend to make mountains out of mouse turds.

I'd quit while you're ahead.
Way ahead of you. Say, I like Ahmed the Dead Terrorist. THAT'S not an overrated comedy act.
I've already forgotten everything. I like Ahmed the Terrorist. It's funny and borderline-really really offensive. That's always a good combo.
I was being sarcastic, so I guess when it comes to comedy we're on twoooo different pagessssss
