Killbert-Robby wrote:Well, I don't even know where to begin. Just because you don't find him funny doesn't mean he's a crap comedian. The guy's in a box office topping comedy, so whatever he does, he's doing it well. It just means YOU don't think he's funny.
All I said was I don't think he's funny, you can quote me on that, I never said anything about him being crap. I have nothing against the guy, just because a person isn't funny doesn't mean their a bad person. On the same ticket, you don't need more than cursory knowledge of someone to hate them, right. And I was talking about his stand-up on You Tube, not the movie.
Killbert-Robby wrote:As for the movie, I hear it's awesome, and what, just because Dude Where's My Car was similar, it's gonna suck? Lets not degrade into "THE SIMPSONS DID IT" bullcrap.
I liked "Dude, Where's My Car" I thought it was really intelligent (bear with me), it had a great cyclical plot where every seemingly unimportant gag had an important purpose in the plot by the end of the film (except for the "And Than" gag, that just seemed like an unrelated joke.) My issue is, who would want to see a film similar to DWMC when you can just watch DWMC, especially if the trailers (to me) don't make it seem like it's gonna do a better job. I'll reserve final judgment for when I see it, but because it doesn't look interesting to me and I'm not as in to Zack Galifianakis as other people, I probably won't see it.
Killbert-Robby wrote:If you let Dane Cook slide with stuff like My Best Friend's Girl
What? I didn't let him slide on anything. Dane Cook's lame, he's always been lame, it's who he is. He has his funny moments, but only if you can get past "him".
Killbert-Robby wrote:I don't see why you're bothering with this.
I'm trying to start a conversation, and asking if anyone knows anything funny he did. What? I'm only suppose to post on this forum if I have brilliant testament written by God through me?