If you'd asked me before, I never would have predicted I would sink to the depths of internet humor... but hopefully I can get some cheap laffs out of you. ^_^
I'm also starting up a website/ComicGen to display them more properly online, which I'm going to try to promote. The comicgenesis version is at Take7Comics.comicgenesis.com, which is going to link from the registered Take7Comics.com and AsterAzul.com
Anyway, blah blah blah. I'm going to teach English in China for until 2012 starting next month; hopefully I will be able to continue the project remotely. I've heard the internet is pretty restrictive there... but I'll still have my comicking machine, so hopefully I'll be able to upload somehow.
Samurai - http://rosstin.livejournal.com/27409.html
Spacemen - http://rosstin.livejournal.com/38365.html
It Doesn't Count [true story!] - http://rosstin.livejournal.com/39475.html
Transformations - http://rosstin.livejournal.com/35360.html
Serial Killers - http://rosstin.livejournal.com/34899.html
Claymation and Long Things - http://ytmnd.com/users/asterazul/
Also, HI RKOLTER! I finished my Physics degree a couple years ago. I'm considering going for genetics when I come back, but I have to build up my microbio GRE scores.
[ I know this belongs in Comic Promotion, but I just love Off Topic. ]