In light of the rules that have been added over the last year or so, and the fact that our rule thread was never locked and so has now spanned three pages and is rambling and sometimes conflicting, Mcduffies and I redrafted the rules thread. There aren't any NEW RULES here or any RULES CHANGES; just a conglomeration of what we already knew in one spot.
Please enjoy yourself and have fun, and act in a manner which allows other people to enjoy themselves and have fun too.
We require and strongly enforce:
[1] NO HATE SPEECH (against individuals, races, religions, etcetera)
[2] DO NOT SPAM (post advertisements without the prior approval of an administrator)
[3] DO NOT FLOOD (post so much you drown out the thread)
[4] Respect your Mods and Admins when they are actively Moderating. Please don't take any act of moderation personally.
Recommended Behavior (for benefit of the entire forum):
[5] Do not post on threads that are clearly spam.
[6] Be Polite. This means don't be a regular jerk, in so many words.
[7] No thread necromancy (posting in month-old unused threads without good reason such as fresh information on exactly that topic)
[8] Don't over-create new threads (use existing threads if they're of a similar topic)
Rule #1 - Illegal Activity:
Do not encourage any activity that is illegal in either the United States of America or the specific location you are from. This includes how-tos or locations for pirated materials, posting child porn, threatening people, deliberately posting copyright infringing work, and so on.
Rule #2 - Signatures (global forum rules):
[1] Signatures must be G or PG rated and contain no gore or nudity.
[2] No single signature image can be greater than 468 pixels long and/or 60 pixels high.
[3] No signature should (in total) be more than 80 pixels high. Some small lee-way is allowed.
[4] Please limit the total signature file size to 30k. Some small lee-way is allowed.
Rule #3 - Images:
Off-Topic allows all images that meet the other rules (aren't spam, aren't somehow illegal, aren't hate images, etcetera).
Unless explicitly allowed by moderators (for example, in the "naked thread"), please do not inline images of nudity or gore - anything that would be above a PG rating. Instead, please post these as links with a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) tag. Please describe the link appropriately so that readers can determine for themselves if they want to view the image.
Moderators will change inlined images to links when they think it’s necessary; do not take it personally - your image will still be available, just not immediately visible.
Rule #4 - Moderators and Administrators:
Please come to us if you have any concerns regarding the forums, a post or thread on the forums, a possible spammer, problems with ComicGenesis, or anything dealing with the operation of the forums, behavior of the forumites as their behavior relates to the forums (or private messages), or the site as a whole.
Beyond that, the moderators and administrators can't intervene. Please don't ask us to take action here because of a personal grudge, because of something done on IRC chat, or because of anything else non-forum, non-ComicGenesis related.
The moderators feel bad when we're made to enforce the rules because they weren't followed, and nobody else really likes it either. It sucks the fun out of the room, and that gets us back to rule number zero - Please enjoy yourself and have fun, and act in a manner which allows other people to enjoy themselves and have fun too.
List of Edits to these Rules with Dates of Changes
07-25-2007 - rkolter - Corrected minor mistake in signature size limits and clarified.
08-16-2007 - rkolter - Changed "Both Mcduffies and rkolter" in the conclusion to "The moderators". Welcome Keffria!
RULES of the OT Forum
Forum rules
- Please use the forum attachment system for jam images, or link to the CG site specific to the Jam.
- Mark threads containing nudity in inlined images as NSFW
- Read The rules post for specifics
- Please use the forum attachment system for jam images, or link to the CG site specific to the Jam.
- Mark threads containing nudity in inlined images as NSFW
- Read The rules post for specifics
- Dreamaniaccomic
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Re: RULES of the OT Forum
Could you include some of the unwritten guidelines for Jamming? I didn't know about any of that, and it was kind of disheartening when I tried to start a Jam by forcing it only to have everyone come down on me. McDuffies wrote an excellent explanation here: ... 0&start=20 I think if new posters knew about this stuff, it would reduce forced Jams and other annoying stuff.
Again, I would appreciate some of the basic "Jamming" rules in here out of consideration to new posters.
Again, I would appreciate some of the basic "Jamming" rules in here out of consideration to new posters.
Has a thing for bandannas...
Has a thing for bandannas...
- Ahaugen
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Re: RULES of the OT Forum
Read The Times-Picayune
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