Anyone interested in pointing me towards some good 'uns?

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Post by Caybo »

My friend recently hooked me to One Piece, and I watched around 200 episodes over about a month. It's probably my favorite ongoing anime series. Though, avoid the 4Kids English versions at all costs. :O

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Post by TaterMySalad »

Caybo wrote:My friend recently hooked me to One Piece, and I watched around 200 episodes over about a month. It's probably my favorite ongoing anime series. Though, avoid the 4Kids English versions at all costs. :O
Even the Japanese version isn't that great man. I would recommend the manga vastly over the anime. Anime suffers from a tooon of filler.

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Post by Caybo »

TaterMySalad wrote:Even the Japanese version isn't that great man. I would recommend the manga vastly over the anime. Anime suffers from a tooon of filler.
I agree, as I pretty much went to the manga with the CP9 arc. But, I think that in general all of the ongoing animes based on mangas suffer from filler issues. But, it is still pretty enjoyable to see some of the manga fights cleared up through the anime.

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Post by Tentoumushi »

my tastes in anime are all over the place but here are my suggestions :)


Tenchi Muyo - More for adults as there is nudity and adult situations. Situational comedy in which one nice guy has many alien super babes fall in love with him. Many cat fights ensue.

Kodocha - Another situational Drama. this one is more geared to young girls as it started out as a shojo manga. About child star Sana Kurata and her crazy adventures.

Trigun - More adult action oriented, and one of my all time favorites. Take an old school western, put it in the future, add dough nuts. Random black cats..."nyaaa."

Unico movies - First anime I ever saw, when I was 2. If you want easy Japanese (helped me learn a bit while studying) and lots of old school cute, watch them!

Shojou Kakumei Utena - Another one more for girls but its a total mind- fark and awesome sybolism flying around all over the place.

Saiyuki (Kazuya Minekura's)- Hot guys for the ladies, lots of demon slaying for the menfolk. A very no traditional telling of the story of the monkey king and his companions.

Paradise Kiss - Another one more for girls. A girl takes a chance on a group of misfits and follows her destiny into the fashion world.

Slayers - Another one of my favorites. This fantasy comedy has action, adventure, and lots and lots of explosions. Don't tell Lina she has little may get fireballed.
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Post by Dranxis »

I've lately been trying to find good shows that are brand new, but there's nothing interesting out in Japan this season. However, I did find this little gem called Sayonara Zetsubo-Sensei (So Long, Mr. Despair) that's quite strange. It's hard to explain, but it's about this teacher that's in despair. Really in despair. The littlest thing will make him try to commit suicide (but something always interrupts him). All the kids that are in his class are pretty strange too... From a girl that can only communicate by text message, to a Rei Ayanami look-alike that's into furries, to a hikkokomi girl that likes to hole herself up in people's lockers. The show has a very interesting visual style that looks like vector art, with some digital gradients and textures thrown in. Very twisted and funny, I recommend it. ^^
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Post by Tentoumushi »

I agree with you Dran, there hasn't been a whole lot in the way of good anime coming abroad in a long time and I'll tell you why: the Japanese are marketing to us now, instead of us simply importing anime that was made for Japanese people. Anime is being made for Otaku NOT for the Japanese, and films and show that are being made go wholly unnoticed here. Take Tokyo Godfathers for example, highly acclaimed film in Japan, virtually no one's heard of it here.
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Post by Dranxis »

Tentoumushi wrote:I agree with you Dran, there hasn't been a whole lot in the way of good anime coming abroad in a long time and I'll tell you why: the Japanese are marketing to us now, instead of us simply importing anime that was made for Japanese people. Anime is being made for Otaku NOT for the Japanese, and films and show that are being made go wholly unnoticed here. Take Tokyo Godfathers for example, highly acclaimed film in Japan, virtually no one's heard of it here.
I LOVED Tokyo Godfathers!!! :o Satoshi Kon is my favorite director, too. :3 But you're right, it's doesn't get enough attention. And yeah, anime has become very commercialized and aimed squarely at the otaku market. Hence all the cutesey moe shows nowadays... It's not that anime has gotten worse, it's just that what's considered popular in Japan right now isn't my cup of tea. The last thing I enjoyed was Gurren Lagann, and that definitely ain't moe.
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Post by Tentoumushi »

Dranxis wrote:
Tentoumushi wrote:It's not that anime has gotten worse, it's just that what's considered popular in Japan right now isn't my cup of tea.
That's the thing, the shows we think are popular there, AREN'T at ALL. Like take Naruto for example, no one over the age of 11 likes that show or has even heard of it there (I spend 4 months on a study abroad there. Both One Piece and Naruto are "for little kids"). In fact most anime is considered "for kids" over there. Lets just say the few otaku that went to Japan and were open about it were wholly ignored and avoided by the Japanese students >.>.
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Post by Jessi_B »

I really enjoy Samurai Champloo and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I also really like Excel Saga, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Coyote Ragtime Show, and Nerima Daikon Brothers.

...oh, and Lupin. Can't forget Lupin. :D

If you have a group of friends who want to watch something, I suggest Shinesmen, Prefectural Earth Force, and Ghost Stories. Their dubs are HILARIOUS. (Ghost Stories kind of threw away the script and became much more scandalous - Prefectural Earth Force and Shinesmen are just plain funny.)

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Re: Anyone interested in pointing me towards some good 'uns?

Post by Isukiyomi »


Gankutsuou - beautifully rendered art and a fun take of the "Count of Monte Cristo (one of my fav books). I love the French monologues at the beginning of every episode. The ending is must watch! A totally slashable anime.

Samurai Seven - The entire series is out on dvd. A cyberpunk retelling of the 1950's movie Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa. Kick ass fighting ~ Kanbei & Kyuzo rock my socks.

Texhnolyze - a dark future where mechanical limbs is the doom of this world. Definitely worth taking a look at. Ending song is "Tsuki no Uta" by Gackt (whom I love).

Bleach & Death Note have already being mentioned ^__^V
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Re: Anyone interested in pointing me towards some good 'uns?

Post by Killbert-Robby »

I've been hooked on Lucky Star myself

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